8 1/2 x 11 Flyer Program
PPP Retail Member Stores are sent a digital update each month, including either our bi-monthly newsletter, Network News, a blog post, a retail education feature or trend report, along with flyers from our Vendor Partners. Our flyer program is an opportunity to introduce your line, advertise new product, offer incentives and ensure continued connection with established accounts. The Purchasing Power Plus program is membership fee based. Our Retail Members are invested in our Retail Community, including our publications and all you contribute, so they may maximize their buying dollars with our Vendor Partners.
Flyer Guidelines
To featured in our digital packet, submit your flyer as a PDF File (both sides in a single file, file size of 2MB or less) via our Submission Page. Select “Digital Monthly Flyer” from the drop down menu. Flyers will be included in the digital packet as submitted, so keep this in mind when formatting and be sure there are no visible crop marks.
Digital Flyers need be received by the 20th of the month to be included in the following month’s mailing. For example: Flyers received by January 20th will be included in the February Mailing.
Questions? Contact Us.